Are you looking for new food blog topics? What if I told you that it is possible to get more traffic to your site as a food blogger if you knew what I know? Ever wondered where food bloggers get their recipes?
Many food bloggers are striving to get to 30,000 sessions or even 100,000 sessions so that they can get into Mediavine or AdThrive.
They continue to struggle month after month investing in course after course so that they can find that golden nugget that will give them the aha moment.
Luckily for food bloggers, humans, eat every day so consumers are always on the lookout for better recipes or recipes to cook their favourite foods differently.
Where then can food bloggers find the perfect topics for a food blog that are not only popular but continue to drive traffic to their site every month?
In fact, wouldn’t it be nice to find recipes that can skyrocket a food blog from zero to 50,000 sessions a month?
The truth is that this is very possible if you have the research that you need to achieve this one goal.
Disclosure: Please note that this post may contain affiliate links which means that if you buy one of my recommended products I get paid a commission for sharing the link. I only recommend products that I have tried myself and have experienced success

How To Find Food Blog Topics
One of the best ways to get a list of blog topics related to food is to find the top 50 bloggers in your niche.
Once you find them you will need to follow them and spend some time looking at their posts for the last 12 months.
This will give you a good idea about what you need to write about and when. Also, which of their blog posts were successful and which ones did not perform well.
You can easily search Google for those top blogs and conduct a detailed search. Another cool idea is to take a look at Instagram and Pinterest to see popular posts or pins.
Facebook will have a number of pages and groups related to food blog ideas so do have a good look there as well.
The only problem is that these methods will not tell you sufficient information about the total organic searches for each of the recipes.

Grab The 1,724 Food Blog Topics
- Never Be Stock For Ideas Again
- Create Recipes On Popular Topics
- Plan Your Content Calendar for 365 Days
- Get Insane Traffic From Your Efforts
- Improve Your Results
Using A Site Explorer Tool
One way to solve the problem of getting visibility into organic traffic for each of the posts you found is to use a site explorer tool.
The best way to approach this is to make a list of the top 20-50 food bloggers that you found on Google, Instagram or Pinterest.
Be sure to capture their domain name as well as the blog name. You can then use a tool like Keysearch or SEMRush to search each blog individually.
What you are looking for is posts or recipes that get the most searches organically month after month. Unless your food blog has a seasonal focus you will want to find recipes that are good all year round.
You also need to be able to see keyword difficulty so that you can know in advance if you can easily get traffic from creating similar content.

Social Popularity
Another important statistic that you will need to make your decision is access to a global view of all popular posts by organic search and shares.
It is possible to collate this over time manually with the right motivation and tools. You would probably need to use a number of tools to get the best results.
The best tools for the job include:
To get the best results you would need the paid version of these tools as well as a week of work to correlate everything.
If you are thinking that this is probably not worth the time and energy you could be right. The fact is that your goal of getting to 30,000 sessions can be achieved using this method.
It is not the simplest solution but it does work and will get you the desired outcome. If you don’t have the time or resources I may have a solution for you.

Grab The 1,724 Food Blog Topics
- Never Be Stock For Ideas Again
- Create Recipes On Popular Topics
- Plan Your Content Calendar for 365 Days
- Get Insane Traffic From Your Efforts
- Improve Your Results
1,724 Food Blog Topics
I have spent a few days doing some research on getting more traffic. This research will be conducted across 10 different niches including the food blog niche.
It was exciting to find the awesome results that I got for my readers in the food niche as I believe that it will help you to reach your goals.
Imagine getting your hands on 1,724 trending food blog topics that you can use to rake in some of the 1.8 million monthly traffic visitors to your blog?
How much would you be willing to pay to access this kind of information? Just to give you a preview as what is included in the report here’s a sneak peek.

You will get access to the Blog Title, URL the total traffic to that blog post. You will also be able to see the social shares across Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.
Most importantly you will also be able to get visibility on the length of each of these food blog posts.
I don’t know about you but I think that is amazing! Over 10 years ago when I first started a blog I had no idea where to find this kind of information.
Sign Up To Get Your Food Blog Topics
Obviously, this is not suitable for everyone. You may already get over 25,000 sessions to your food blog every month.
If that is the case then this is not for you. This free download will benefit you if you are looking to find the most popular posts in the food blogging niche.
It covers all kinds of food blog post ideas or recipes including salads, casseroles, soups, pancakes, desserts and pasta.
I was actually so surprised when I stumbled across this information I just could not believe that it could be so simple.
If you believe that this can be of huge benefit to you and your blog sign up here to get your copy of all 9 documents representing 39 pages of content.

Grab The 1,724 Food Blog Topics
- Never Be Stock For Ideas Again
- Create Recipes On Popular Topics
- Plan Your Content Calendar for 365 Days
- Get Insane Traffic From Your Efforts
- Improve Your Results

SEO + Social Media
As I already mentioned it covers the SEO element as well as the popularity of each post across social media channels like Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
It is very important when you download the documents that you choose a topic and write a post that satisfies both SEO and social media.
I was very surprised to find that some of the most popular food bloggers don’t have any accounts on either of these 3 social media platforms.
Of course, you are free to use Instagram as well to promote your post. In fact, I encourage you to search and see if you can find results on Instagram for the topic of your choice.
Feel free to pick up your copy of this in-depth research so that you can start experiencing the success in 1-3 months.
I am so excited to share this with you as a food blogger and it would be great to get your feedback on how you got on.

Grab The 1,724 Food Blog Topics
- Never Be Stock For Ideas Again
- Create Recipes On Popular Topics
- Plan Your Content Calendar for 365 Days
- Get Insane Traffic From Your Efforts
- Improve Your Results
Blogging can be hard if you don’t know what to write about. You may have the best ideas in the world but if no one is searching for it then it might as well not be written.
It is important as a blogger to take advantage of popular blog topics so that you can ride the popularity wave.
The hardest task in the world as a blogger is to find food blog topics that are essentially evergreen.
This means that they continue to drive organic traffic to your blog week after week, month after month and year after year.
Grab your free copy now and start creating.

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Are you planning to invest in a Pinterest course? Before you do check out this Pinterest course review to help you make the right decision.
Want to take advantage of some free traffic to your blog from Pinterest? Check out my Pinterest tips here.
If you are a startup or small business and you need to hire a virtual assistant to complete tasks such as social media marketing, blogging, keyword research or Pinterest account management then take a look at these packages.

47 thoughts on “1,724 Food Blog Topics Driving 1.8 Million In Monthly Traffic”
As a food blogger, I really love this plethora of information, and I have pinned it to save for later 🙂 Thank you for all of this useful information, it will come in handy for sure!
Alexandra, I’m so glad that you found it useful.
I must say that this pool of information is really impressive and precious! I will keep it! Thank you!
Cristina, you are welcome.
I need to learn more when it comes to keyword research so important when it comes to blogging.
Joan, keyword research is important but finding the most popular blog topics is priceless.
I love this info about keywords. This will help when I want to write about recipes.
Tara, I am glad you liked it.
I love food, but I am terrible at making it. I know the rare food posts I have done have received great traffic but alas, I tend to burn most things.
Amber, great point about cooking. Thanks for sharing your experience.
The one thing I want to work more on is keywords. It’s such a tricky, complicated task for me.
Heather, you may want to consider outsourcing that task. No need to become an expert at keywords.
These are great ideas. I’m not a food blogger, but I can see how the ideas can be applied to other types of blogs.
Heidi, I’m glad you like the ideas given.
Very timely that I saw your post. I’m in need of a keyword research tool for work, thanks for sharing!
April, so glad that I can be of assistance.
That is some good information for food bloggers. The keyword research tool is indeed nice . I have taken their trial.
Ankita, thanks for stopping by.
I am a new foodblogger, your post is super helpful. I have been struggled to get more traffic to my new blog.
That’s great, I am curious, is there a particular reason why you would not download the free list of blog topics?
I love getting things like this for when I hit a creative wall. I don’t have an exact food blog but I do have a food tab on my motherhood blog so it is nice to get a few new food topics to write on that are being highly searched
Jessi, that is awesome. I will be producing similar freebies for Mom bloggers shortly.
For the type of blog I have it is hard to get more ads or sponsored. I was working on my social media aspect it helps a little bit. And I make my sponsored is related to my blog content.
Farrah, that is good to know. I am in the process of creating a freebie for the travel niche as well.
That’s so true that some niches gain much more popularity than others. Food is quite a popular topic and I sometimes share some recipes on my blog. However, I don’t think I’ll be much devoted to this particular topic. I need to find a way to gain the same popularity with the topics of my own interest. 🙂
Natalia, your niche is very unique and you may want to do a podcast as well.
Food is such a big part of my internet searches, its no wonder the food bloggers are able to make big profits off the niche’. Working hard and applying the right keywords, photos and seo to a post really do help to boost the traffic to any blog.
Nicole, thanks for sharing your insight.
Thre is so much information here that is so helpful! Driving traffic to your blog is so important for opportunities.
Becca, I’m so glad that you found it helpful.
I can see food blogs being a very popular topic to talk about, I need to jump on this wagon and post more about food. Thank you for sharing these are great ideas that will help drive traffic to my blog.
Terri, so glad you found this helpful, thanks for stopping by.
I’m not a food blogger but I feel like I can use these tips for my mom blog by altering them a bit. I love how you talked about looking at popular blogs to see what topics are doing good.
Melissa, thanks for your feedback.
As a food blogger thanks for sharing these information. I need to work more my traffic and SEO this year.
Swathi, you are very welcome
That’s cool there are so many different good food blog topics out there. Of course it’s all about execution of the topic itself. But great these have reached so many.
Yes David, it is all about execution.
That is just amazing! That sort of traffic would definitely impress me. I hope to get to that point. Anyway, foodies would really appreciate the free recipes.
Dalene, thanks so much for your feedback.
Great ideas! I am not a food blogger. But, its good to know so many food blog topics there.
Bindu, I will do have posts on lifestyle topics as well if that is more suitable.
It would be really amazing to have traffic counting up to millions each month. Thanks for the great resources and tips.
Anjali, everything is possible with planning and execution. Thanks for stopping by.
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